EU version

DB Launches Ambitious Overhaul of Riedbahn, Enhancing Frankfurt-Mannheim Corridor

DB Launches Ambitious Overhaul of Riedbahn, Enhancing Frankfurt-Mannheim Corridor
foto: Stefan Wildhirt / Deutsche Bahn AG/DB Launches Ambitious Overhaul of Riedbahn, Enhancing Frankfurt-Mannheim Corridor
07 / 11 / 2023

Deutsche Bahn (DB) is meticulously on track with its comprehensive plans for the extensive overhaul of the Riedbahn, the critical rail corridor between Frankfurt/Main and Mannheim. Following a Europe-wide tender, DB has entrusted the construction work for this pivotal upgrade to a consortium of four esteemed firms: Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG, Spitzke SE, Swietelsky Baugesellschaft mbH, and Siemens Mobility GmbH for the control and safety technology. To efficiently manage the significant volume of construction during the five-month closure of the busy Riedbahn route, DB has strategically split the work into two lots: the first encompasses the segment from Frankfurt/Main to Biblis, and the second stretches from Biblis to Mannheim.

Through the Riedbahn's comprehensive refurbishment, DB is orchestrating a multitude of tasks along the approximately 70-kilometer stretch. This includes the replacement of roughly 120 kilometers of track, the overhaul of 150 switches, the renewal of 140 kilometers of overhead lines, and the complete upgrade of the control and safety systems. Moreover, DB is rejuvenating all 20 stations dotted along the line. The entire infrastructure, spanning various trades, will be thoroughly modernized within an unprecedented timeframe of just five months. Upon completion, passengers will enjoy the perks of more timely services and enhanced station amenities. Additionally, to alleviate the impact of noise on nearby residents, DB is erecting over 15 kilometers of sound barriers.

This sweeping renovation aligns perfectly with the ambitions of DB's 'Strong Rail' strategy, reflecting the federal government's core transport and climate objectives. The plan aims to double passenger traffic volumes and expand the rail network's freight market share, necessitating an infrastructure capable of supporting increased traffic flows. The refurbishment between Frankfurt/Main and Mannheim lays the groundwork for this growth. Centralizing construction activities is also a key strategic priority for DB, with the Riedbahn's makeover exemplifying this approach.

DB has considerably expanded the scope of the Riedbahn's renovation project, which has led to an updated financial forecast. The new budget now incorporates the transition to electronic interlocking technology that commenced last February. It also accounts for the improvements at train stations and the provisioning of efficient alternative transportation. Considering the general and dynamic market price trends, DB has included a contingency reserve. The total investment for the entire suite of enhancements is projected to be around 1.3 billion euros, with 1.1 billion euros anticipated to be allocated from the federal budget.

By integrating various sub-projects within the general renovation and including a planned contingency reserve, the revised cost estimate remains within the bounds of the additional 45 billion euros in funding required by 2027, as reported to the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), maintaining the status quo.

To effectively coordinate the substantial construction efforts and preclude any disruption to the Riedbahn during the European Football Championship in the summer, DB is aggregating a series of preliminary tasks between Frankfurt/Main and Mannheim starting in January. Consequently, the line will be entirely closed to train traffic from January 1st to 22nd. This preliminary closure serves as a "dress rehearsal" for the main renovation phase, allowing DB to test all operational procedures and fine-tune various aspects, such as alternative transport plans, in preparation for the bustling summer months.

Source: Deutsche Bahn
